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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

통일연구원 발간물

원문정보 검색통일연구원 발간물

An Assessment of the North Korean System´s Durability
An Assessment of the North Korean System´s Durability /Chon, Hyun-Joon;Huh, Moon-Youn
Huh, Moon-Youn
Chon, Hyun-Joon
서울 :통일연구원,2007
107 p. ;23 cm.


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유사자료 정보
이미지 자료명 저자 출판사 출판년
Value Changes of the North Korean New Generation and Prospects Value Changes of the North Korean New Generation and Prospects Soon-Hee Lim Korea Institute for National Unification 2007
The Changes of Everyday Life in North Korea in the Aftermath of their Economic Difficulties The Changes of Everyday Life in North Korea in the Aftermath of their Economic Difficulties Cho, Jeong-Ah Korea Institute for National Unification 2007
North Korea's Agricultural Reforms and Challenges in the wake of the July 1 Measures North Korea's Agricultural Reforms and Challenges in the wake of the July 1 Measures Choi, Soo Young Korea Institute for National Unification 2007
A Study on the Reality and Prospect of Economic Reform in North Korea : Tasks for Successful Transformation of the North Korean System A Study on the Reality and Prospect of Economic Reform in North Korea : Tasks for Successful Transformation of the North Korean System Kim, Young-Yoon Korea Institute for National Unification 2007
North Korea's Civil-Military-Party Relations and Regime Stability North Korea's Civil-Military-Party Relations and Regime Stability Jeung, Young-Tai Korea Institute for National Unification 2007

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