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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

통일연구원 발간물

원문정보 검색통일연구원 발간물

International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol.16, No. 1
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol.16, No. 1 /Korea Institute for National Unification
Korea Institute for National Unification;
Korea Institute for National Unification;
Seoul :Korea Institute for National Unification,2007
237 p. ;24cm
ㅇ South Korea as a Middle Power: Capacity, Behavior, and Now Opportunity / Jeffrey Robertsonㅇ A Prospect for US-North Korean Relations beyond the BDA Issue/ Kang Choi & Joon-Sung Parkㅇ Transformation of National Strategy in Postwar Vietnam: Dependency to Engagement/ Sung-Chull Kimㅇ Paradigms and Fallacies: Rethinking Northeast Asian Security and Its Implications for the Korean Peninsula/ Hun-Joo Parkㅇ North Korea’s Nuclear Issue: Beyond the February 13 Agreement/ Tae-Hwan Kwakㅇ Six-Party Talks: “Action for Action” and the Formalization of Regional Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia/ Scott Snyderㅇ China and the Korean Peninsula: A Chinese View on the North Korean Nuclear Issue/ Yufan Haoㅇ What’s New? Comparing the February 13 Action Plan with the Agreed Framework/ Narushige Michishita


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International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol.16 no. 2 International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol.16 no. 2 Korea Institute for National Unification Korea Institute for National Unification 2007

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