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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

원문정보 검색

(The) Outlook for the North Korean Situation & Prospects for U.S.-ROK Cooperation After the Death of Kim Jong-il
(The) Outlook for the North Korean Situation & Prospects for U.S.-ROK Cooperation After the Death of Kim Jong-il /[edited by] Korea Institute for National Unification
Seoul:Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU),2012
107 p. :ill ;23 cm
(KINU) Collection of Conference Papers ;12-01


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE4274 통일교육원 340.8 C697 12-01 대출가능 출력
2 BE4275 통일교육원 340.8 C697 12-01 2 대출가능 출력


PANEL 1 Assessing the Situation in North Korea After the Death of Kim Jong-il
· North Korea after Kim Jong-il
-PARK Hyeong-Jung(Senior Research Fellow, KINU)
· Assessing the Situation in North Korea After the Death of Kim Jong-il
_Bruce Klingner (Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation)
PANEL 2 Examining the North Korean Nuclear Problem and the Security of the Korean Penonsula
· February 29 and March 16: North Korean Security and
Diplomatic Strategy after the Death of Kim Jong-il
_Jonathan D. Pollack (Senior Follow, John L. Thornon China Center, Brookings Institution)
· U.S.-North Korea Talks and North Korea's Missile
Launch Plans: Prospects and Policy Directions
_Park Jong-Chul (Senior Research Fellow, KINU)
PANEL 3 Exploing Ways to Improve Human Rights in North Korea Through International Cooperation
· How to Improve Human Rights of North Koreans in China and in North Korea: Focusing on the
Recent North Korean Escapee Case
_CHO Jung-Hyun(Research Fellow, KINU)
· Exploring Ways to Improve Human Rights in Notth Korea
through International Cooperation
_Greg Scarlatoiu(Executive Director, U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea)
PANEL 4 Analyzing the Rise of China and Implications U.S-ROK Cooperation
· The Rise of China & Implications for U.S-ROK Cooperation
_John S. Park(Director, Korea Working Group, USIP Project Director, Befer Center, Harvard Kennedy School)
· The Rise of China and the US-Ide Asia-Pacific AIIiance Network:
Policy Suggestions for South Korea in the Context of the ROK-US Cooperation
_PARK Jae-Jeok(Research Fellow, KINU)


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