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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

원문정보 검색

The social and psychological acculturation of North Korean refugees :
The social and psychological acculturation of North Korean refugees :/Soon-Hyung Yi, Soo-Churl Cho, Changdai Kim, Meejung Chin
Soon-Hyung Yi,
Seoul :SNUpress,2014
xiv, 289 pages ;23 cm
탈북자,사회 적응,


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE5529 통일교육원 309.111 S711s 대출가능 출력



I. Resilience and Acculturation of North Korean Refugees
Resilience of individual and family
1) Resilience of individual and family
2) Validity of the resilience concept

II. Research Methods
1. Qualitative research
1) Subjects
2) Research procedure
3) Research scales
4) Demographic characteristics of the interviewees
2. Quantitative research
1) Subjects
2) Research scales
3) Research analysis
4) Socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects

III. Border-Crossing Experience by North Korean Refugees
1. Border-crossing process of North Korean refugees
1) Size of North Korean refugees
2) Origins of North Korean refugees
3) Motives for border-crossing
4) Border-crossing routes
5) The third country and the length of stay
2. Refugees’ lives in North Korea
1) Life in North Korea
2) North Korea’s internal factors that pushed North Korean refugees out
3) External factors that pulled North Korean refugees out
4) Factors that made North Korean refugees hesitate to exit
5) Determining momentum for crossing
6) The crossing preparation process and the actual crossing
3. Experiences in the third country
1) Third country’s internal factors that pushed refugees out
2) External factors that pulled refugees out of the third country
4. Crisis during the border-crossing process
1) Arrest by North Korean National Security
2) False information and betrayal by a broker
3) Pursuit and arrest by Chinese Public Security
5. Entry process and experiences in South Korea
1) Entry process
2) Experience in South Korea
3) Psychological conflicts and the overcoming process
6. Border-crossing process and resources used in adapting to South Korea
1) Personal traits
2) Family support
3) Social resources
7. Summary of the border-crossing process of North Korean refugees

IV. Border-Crossing Experience and Personal Changes of North Korean Refugees
1. Changes in values
1) Materialistic values
2) Collectivist values
3) Individualistic values
4) Familism values
5) Patriarchal values in gender roles
2. Change of identity
1) Self-identity
2) Family identity
3) Ethnic identity
4) National identity
3. Changes in psychological characteristics
1) Attribution
2) Depression
3) Self-esteem
4) Falsehood
4. Recognition on South and North Korean society
1) Personality
2) Compliance with rules
3) Free competition
4) Respect for authority

V. North Korean Refugee’s Socio-Cultural Adaptation in South Korea
1. North Korean refugee’s settlement in South Korea
1) Actual settlement conditions
2) Positive and negative changes after the crossing
2. The actual condition of North Korean refugee’s adaptation
1) Socio-cultural adaptation
2) The current difficulties
3) Life satisfaction
3. Adaptation of North Korean refugees and personal resilience
1) Establishment of self-identity and socio-cultural adaptation
2) Self-esteem and socio-cultural adaptation
3) Attribution and socio-cultural adaptation
4. Adaptation of North Korean refugees and family
1) Family of North Korean refugees and their socio-cultural adaptation
2) Current difficulties of North Korean refugee families
3) Family of North Korean refugees and life satisfaction
5. Adaptation of North Korean refugees and family resilience
1) Family resilience and socio-cultural adaptation
2) Family resilience and current difficulties
3) Family resilience and life satisfaction
6. Social network and support
1) Social network
2) Social support and socio-cultural adaptation
3) Social support and current difficulties
4) Social support and life satisfaction
7. Adaptation of North Korean refugees and limitations of the study

VI. Adaptation and Social Psychological Integration of North Korean Refugees
1. Task of a social and psychological integration
1) General process of acculturation
2) Attributes of North Korean refugees and task of social and psychological integration
3) Issues after the unification of the North and the South
2. Policy for social and psychological integration
1) General direction
2) Policy for child and family
3) Social and cultural policy



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