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번호 서명 저자 출판사 출판년 자료유형 초록 목차 URL
(A) World after liberalism : Philosophers of the radical right
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by Matthew Rose Yale 2021 단행본
We shall be masters : Russian Pivots to East Asia from Peter the Great to Putin
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by Chris Miller Harvard 2021 단행본
Pax transatlantica : America and europe in the post-cold war era
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by Jussi M. Hanhimaki Oxford 2021 단행본
Diplomacy and the future of world order
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by Chester A. Crocker;Fen Osler Hampson Georgetown university press 2021 단행본
Conquering peace : from the Enlightenment to the European Union
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by Stella Ghervas Harbard 2021 단행본
(The) Long Game : Chinas Grand Strategy to Displace American Order
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by Rush Doshi Oxford 2021 단행본
헌법의 탄생 = The birth of the constitution : 국가의 헌법은 어떻게 만들어졌는가
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차병직 지음 바다출판사 2022 단행본
(The) Avoidable war : (The) Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict Between the Us and XI
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by Kevin Rudo PublicAffairs 2022 단행본
(The) Economic weapon : (The) Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War
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by Nicholas Mulder Yale 2022 단행본
Deception : Russiagate and the new cold war
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by Richard Sakwa Lexington books 2022 단행본