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원문정보 검색

번호 서명 저자 출판사 출판년 자료유형 초록 목차 URL
EU:Pursuing a shift away from the US in defence
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
EU:In pursuit of independent defence
By Kim Rye Yong PT 기사
EU/EU 사례분석을 통한 남북 및 동북아 공동체 추진방안: 유럽공동체 형성기를 중심으로
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손기웅 외 공저 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
EU:EU nations seek independent armed forces
By Song Jong Ho PT 기사
Eternal President of DPRK
ESG 혁명이 온다 : 성과에서 가치로, 새로운 미래의 혁신적 시그널과 생존전략
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김재필 지음 한스미디어 2021 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Escape from camp 14 = 14호 수용소 탈출 : one man`s remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West
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Blaine Harden Penguin Books 2013 단행본
EQUIPMENT:New concentrator gets liquid to jet into space
By Kim Ryong Jin PT 기사
EQUIPMENT:Dry-type transformer performs well
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
Equestrian association improves its activities
Ri Tong Jun, secretary general of the Equestrian Association of the DPRK 기사
E-PRODUCT : Achim becomes number one computer maker
Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
Epoch-making summit opens up a new chapter in DPRK-US relations - First-ever DPRK-US summit held Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un issues a joint statement with US President Trump
Compiled from KCNA 기사
EPISODE:Good Samaritans
By Kwon Hyo Song PT 기사
EPIDEMIC:Alarm bells ring as African swine fever spreads across world
By Om Ryong PT 기사
EPIDEMIC:Africa on high alert for Ebola reappearance
By Song Jong Ho PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Sea pollution by plastic waste, challenge to all
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Presentation on nature conservation held
Compiled from KCNA 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Plastic waste matters
Min Choi PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:New atmospheric pollutant sensor developed
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Land management campaign makes progress
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
Environment-friendly pesticides developed
By Jong Tang Song PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Fight against global warming gains momentum
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
ENVIRONMENT:Electronic waste a serious problem
By Min Chol PT 기사
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION : Workshop call for conserving wetlands and water birds
Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:National workshop focuses on wetland conservation
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:Combat against desertification a global challenge
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
Enthusiastic Researchers
Enthusiasm for Sports Leads to That for Miacle and Creation
ENTERTAINMENT:Prestigious troupes start performance tour in Kanggye
Compiled from KCNA 기사
Enlivened Exhibition