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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

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번호 서명 저자 출판사 출판년 자료유형 초록 목차 URL
To Build a National Community through the Korean CommonwealthA Blueprint for Korean Unification=한민족공동체 통일방안
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ed. by National Unification Board Republic of Korea National Unification Board Republic of Korea 1989 단행본 url 정보 있음
A Comparison of Unification Policies of South and North Korea
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통일정책실 편 National Unification Board 1990 단행본 url 정보 있음
ToBuild aNational Community through t h e Korean Commonwealth : A Blueprint for Korean Unificationby National Unification Board
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National Unification Board National Unification Board 단행본 url 정보 있음
ToBuild aNational Community through t h e Korean Commonwealth : A Blueprint for Korean Unificationby National Unification Board
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National Unification Board National Unification Board 단행본
ToBuild aNational Community through t h e Korean Commonwealth : A Blueprint for Korean Unificationby National Unification Board
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National Unification Board National Unification Board 단행본
ToBuild aNational Community through t h e Korean Commonwealth : A Blueprint for Korean Unificationby National Unification Board
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National Unification Board National Unification Board 단행본
(The) Changes in North Koreas fiscal and financial systems in the Kim Jong-Un era
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by Ji Young Choi;Moon-Soo Yang Korea Institute for National Unification 2023 단행본
North Koreas response th its COVID-19 outbreak and the international communitys support to North Korea
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by Soohwan Hwang;Jaebeom Kwon Korea Institute for National Unification 2023 단행본
(The) Challenges of North Koreas nuclear program and international cooperation
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by Sung-Yoon Chung;Juhwa Park Korea Institute for National Unification 2023 단행본
North Koreas official markets in 2022
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by Min Hong;Moon-Seok Cha Korea Institute for National Unification 2023 단행본
Unification and North Korea policy of the Yoon Suk Yeol administration : Implementing government task
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by Dong-ho Han et al Korea Institute for National Unification 2023 단행본
`그린 데탕트` 실천전략 : 환경공동체 및 경제공동체 동시 형성방안
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손기웅;강동완 KINU(통일연구원) 2015 단행본 목차 정보 있음
폭군 : 셰익스피어에게 배우는 권력의 원리
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스티븐 그린블랫 지음;이종인 옮김 Being 2020 단행본
대한민국 국가전략 = Korea`s grand national strategy : 대한민국 세계전략, 선진화혁명, 그리고 공동체자유주의
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박세일 지음 21세기북스 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Exploring inter-Korean cooperation for the formation of a life community on the Korean Peninsula
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by Ji Young Choi; Ji Sun Yee 2022 단행본
Exploring inter-Korean cooperation for the formation of a life community on the Korean Peninsula
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by Ji Young Choi; Ji Sun Yee 2022 단행본