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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

Korean Unification and International Cooperation
Korean Unification and International Cooperation /edited by Celeste Arrington... [et al.]
Arrington, Celeste
Seoul:IPUS:서울대학교 통일평화연구원,2009
144 p. :ill., maps ;26 cm
Yunpeng Ma,Kan Kimura,Dmitry Labin,Young-Ho Park,Fei Long,Sheena Greitens,Eric Ballbach


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE4376 통일교육원 349.11 A776k 대출가능 출력


목 차 Contents
Foreword ...1

Contributors ...11

I. Prospects for Inter-Korean Relations after 70 years of ...21
Division: Historical, Regional and Legal Perspectives

A. Historical and Legal Perspectives on Inter-Korean ...21
Relations in a Regional and Global Context

The Korean Question (1870~1910): ...23
The Question of Independence
Under a New Legal Order
Jeong-Ho Roh

Review on the Previous ROK ...51
Government Policies for Unification
and Future Policy Options in
View of German Unification
Chang-Seok Yang

Developing a Law and Global Governance ...105
Approach to Korean Unification and
Inter-Korean Relations
Joseph Harte

B. Regional Cooperation, Inter-Korean Relations ...135
and the Unification Process

Novus Ordo Seclorum: ...137
Regional Interests in Korean Unification
Sue Mi Terry

A Search for Introducing Confidence- ...167
Building Measures and a Peace Regime
on the Korean Peninsula
Jong-Chul Park

Recent International Responses ...191
to the North Korean Human Rights Situation
Jung-hyun Cho

II. Inter-Korean Relations in a Globalizing World: ...209
Systemic Considerations and Current Issues

A. Global and Systemic Considerations ...209

Divided Nations in an Integrated World: ...211
Explaining the Post-War Continuity of Korean
Charles Armstrong

Global and Regional Financial Governance: ...229
Implications for Inter-Korean Relations and
the Unification Process
Douglas W. Arner

Resolving the Korean Questions: 271
Beyond the Impasse in Inter-Korean Relations
Barry K. Gills

B. Current Issues: International Investment and ...289
Cyber Security

Analysis and Evaluations of North Korea's ...291
Legal System for External Economics
with a Focus on the Legal Regime for
Special Economic Zones
Kyu-Chang Lee

Foreign Investment, Dispute Resolution, ...327
and the Korean Question
Michael A. Hay

Emeging Issues Relating to ...347
Cyber-Attacks: An International
Legal Analysis of the Sony Hack
Kyung-ok Do

The Aftermath of Sony: ...377
Threat, Retaliation, Deterrence
and International Cyber Norms
Rhea D. Siers


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