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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

Beyond left and right : the future of radical politics
Beyond left and right :the future of radical politics /edited by Anthony Giddens
Giddens, Anthony
Cambridge:Polity Press,1994
viii, 276 p. ;24 cm
the future of radical politics
Includes bibliographical references and index
Right and left (Political science)


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE4329 통일교육원 340 G453b 대출가능 출력


Preface = ⅷ
Introduction = 1
Globalization, tradition, uncertainty = 4
Socialism, conservatism and neoliberalism = 8
A framework for radical politics = 11
Coda : the question of agency = 20
1 Conservatism : Radicalism Embraced = 22
Old Conservatism = 24
Conservatism, conservatisms = 27
Conservatism and neo-liberalism = 37
Conservatism and social change = 41
Conservatism and the concept of tradition = 45
2 Socialism : the Retreat from Radicalism = 51
Socialism and the question of history = 52
Socialism and democracy = 59
Revolutionary socialism = 62
Limits of the cybernetic model = 66
Socialism and the welfare state = 69
3 The Social Revolutions of our Time = 78
Simple and reflexive modernization = 80
Structural consequences = 87
The advent of life politics = 90
Social change and the role of active trust = 92
Manufactured uncertainty and global risk environments = 97
4 Two Theories of Democratization = 104
The popularity of democracy = 104
An alternative view = 110
Participation, representation, dialogue = 112
What is democracy? = 113
Dialogic democracies = 117
Democracy and the problem of solidarity = 124
Democracy, inequality and power = 132
5 Contradictions of the Welfare State = 134
Structural sources of the welfare state = 134
Problems of welfare : work and class = 139
The question of the under-class = 144
The future of welfare : a preliminary orientation = 149
6 Generative Politics and Positive Welfare = 151
Welfare systems and manufactured uncertainty = 151
Arguments from global poverty = 157
An alternative development = 163
The structural diamond = 168
7 Positive Welfare, Poverty and Life Values = 174
Work, productivism, productivity = 175
From the welfare state to positive welfare = 180
Welfare in a post-scarcity society = 182
Class divisions and social conflicts = 188
The affluent against the poor? A generative model of equality = 190
8 Modernity under a Negative Sign : Ecological Issues and Life Politics = 198
Thinking about nature = 202
Nature : living in and with it = 208
Questions of reproduction = 212
The order of high-consequence risks = 219
Environment, person-hood = 223
Conclusion = 227
9 Political Theory and the Problem of Violence = 229
The state and pacification = 231
Masculinity and war = 235
Violence, ethnic and cultural difference = 242
10 Questions of Agency and Values = 246
Notes = 254
Index = 263


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