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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

Korea unification and food security : Lee Cherl-Ho, Moon Huhn-Pal, Kim Yong-Taek, Kim Se-Kwon, Park Tae-Kyun, Kwon Ik Boo
Korea unification and food security :Lee Cherl-Ho, Moon Huhn-Pal, Kim Yong-Taek, Kim Se-Kwon, Park Tae-Kyun, Kwon Ik Boo
354 p. :billustrations, maps ;23 cm
한반도 통일,식량안보,식품산업,


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE5517 통일교육원 522.7 이762k 대출가능 출력


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Conditions for Korean Unification
1.2. Food Aid to North Korea
1.3. Circumstances of Korean Unification
1.4. Changes in Demography and the Industrial Structure of North and South Korea
Chapter 2 Food and Nutritional Status of North and South Korea
2.1. Comparison of Health and Nutritional Status between North and South Koreans
2.2. Structure and Status of Food Supply in North and South Korea
2.3. Optimal Food and Nutrition Models for Koreans
Chapter 3 Assessment of Food Production Potential on the Korean Peninsula
3.1. Status and Circumstances of Food Production in North Korea
3.2. Status of Food Production and Measurements of Production Increase in North Korea
3.3. Measures to Increase Food Production in South Korea
3.4. Measures to Increase Food Production in Post-Unification Era
Chapter 4 Assessment of the Production Potential of Fisheries in North and South Korea
4.1. Supply and Demand of Fishery Products in North and South Korea
4.2. Assessment of Fisheries Production Potential of North Korea
4.3. Local Specialties and Expected Competitiveness of the Fisheries Industry in a Post-Unification Era
4.4. Fishery Policies in Preparation for Unification
Chapter 5 Food Supply and Demand Outlook in Post-Unification Korea
5.1. Food Supply and Demand Outlook for North Korea
5.2. Food Supply and Demand Outlook for South Korea
5.3. Food Supply and Demand Outlook for the Korean Peninsula
5.4. Summary and Policy Implications
Chapter 6 Status of the Food Industry in North and South Korea and Food Security Functionality
6.1. Status of the Food Industry in South Korea
6.2. Status of the Food Industry in North Korea
6.3. Food Security Function of the Food Industry
Chapter 7 Changes in Size and Development of the Food Industry in a Post-Unification Era
7.1. Prediction of Changes in Food Industry Size in a Post-Unification Era
7.2. Outlook for the Food Ingredients Industry in a Post-Unification Era
7.3. Status of North Korean Ports
7.4. Status and Outlook of Electricity Supply on the Korean Peninsula
7.5. Outlook for the Food Industry in a Post-Unification Era
Chapter 8 Expert Reviews of Korean Unification and Food Security
8.1. Kwon Tae-Jin (Director, Center for North Korean and Northeast Asian Studies, GS&J Institute)
8.2. Choi Geun-Won (Director, Food Management Division, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp. (aT))
8.3. Kim Kyung-Ryang (Professor, Department of Agricultural Resource Economics, Kangwon National University) 8.4. Yang Seung-Ryong (Professor, Food Resource Economics Department, Korea University)
8.5. Kang Myeong-Ok (Secretary General, The Korean Association of People Sharing Love)
8.6. Marc Simkins (Dean, Culinary-MBA Program, Woosong University)
Chapter 9 Policy Recommendations
9.1. Prepare for Food Shortages in the Early Stages of Unification
9.2. Maintain Rice Production and Self-sufficiency in Rice
9.3. Increase Soybean Production and Achieve Self-sufficiency in Soybeans for Food Use
9.4. Rationalize Animal Husbandry and Increase Self-sufficiency in Rough Feed
9.5. Vitalize Offshore Fisheries by Developing Marine Resources and Modernizing Marine Technology
9.6. Establish a Regional Specialization Plan to Connect Agro-fisheries to the Processing Industry
9.7. Secure Food through North-South Cooperation Projects before Unification
9.8. Take Unification as an Opportunity to Improve the Food and Nutritional Status of Koreans


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