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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

East-West Reflections on Demonization : North Korea now, China Next?
East-West Reflections on Demonization :North Korea now, China Next? /edited by Geir Helgesen and Rachel Harrison
Helgesen, Geir
Harrison, Rachel
Copenhagen :NIAS Press,2020
xvi, 265 p. :ill ;23 cm
NIAS studies in Asian topics ;73


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE32494 통일교육원 349.111 H474e 대출가능 출력


Foreword: A Message of Hope - Inge Eidsvåg ... vii
Acknowledgements ... xv
Introduction: Fifteen Essays on Demonization, and Why to Avoid It - Geir Helgesen and Rachel Harrison ... 1
1. ‘’Tis No Sin to Cheat the Devil’: Demonization as Dehumanization - Rachel Harrison ... 23
2. The Night is Dark in North Korea - Kåre Bluitgen ... 35
3. Reflections on North Korea: Myths & Reality - James Hoare ... 47
4. A Case of Successful Demonization and Its Consequences - Geir Helgesen ... 69
5. The De-Demonization of North Korea - Han S. Park ... 85
6. Sovereignty Matters: North Korean Pragmatism and South Korean Contradictions - Hazel Smith ... 97
7. The Unwillingness to Take North Korea Seriously: Media Stereotypes, Problematic Sources and the Rhetoric surrounding the DPRK - Gianluca Spezza ... 115
8. The Red Complex in South Korea: The 50-Year Legacy of Demonizing North Korea - Gyuseog Han ... 135
9. How a Gaze Becomes Violence: Representations of the North Korean sports team at the PyeongChang Olympic Games - Myungkoo Kang ... 147
10. North Korea over the Rainbow: A Mysterious Demon? - Sungju Park-Kang ... 161
11. The Dangers of Demonization: An American Perspective - James V. Wertsch & Jacob Finke ... 181
12.Beyond Binaries: Southeast Asian Relations with North Korea - Erik Mobrand & Hyejin Kim ... 199
13. A Systemic Rival on the Doorstep? The Politics of Politicizing Chinese Regional Influence in Europe - Chunrong Liu ... 213
14. Demonizing China: A Diagnosis with No Cure in Sight - Daniel A. Bell ... 225
15. Why Images of the Enemy are Neglected in Conflict Analyses and Peacebuilding Processes - Steinar Bryn ... 239
Editors’ Afterthoughts - Geir Helgesen and Rachel Harrison ... 255
Index ... 263


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