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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

Routledge handbook of contemporary North Korea
Routledge handbook of contemporary North Korea /edited by Adrian Buz
Buz, Adrian
Abingdon, Oxon :Routledge,23s2
296 p. ;25
Includes bibliographical references and index


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE32508 통일교육원 911 B992r 대출가능 출력


Part 1: The political perspective

2. The evolution of the North Korean Socio-Political System, 1945-1994

Balázs Szalontai

3. Masters of survival: North Korean leadership in a hostile world

Andrei Lankov

4. Political economy and ideology under Kim Jong-un

Ruediger Frank

Part 2: The North Korean economy

5. The structural transformation of the North Korean economic planning system

Peter Ward

6. Between the markets and the state: North Korea’s fragile agriculture and food supply

Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

7. North Korea’s interaction with the global economy

Justin Hastings

Part 3: Foreign relations

8. ‘The enemies made this possible’: Sino-North Korean relations after 1948

Adam Cathcart and Yujin Lim

9. Nuclear weapons and North Korean foreign policy

Shane Smith

10. North Korea's nuclear diplomacy

Leszek Buszynski

11. Revival of an old friendship: Contemporary North Korea-Russia Relations

Anthony V. Rinna

12. Once more with feeling the US-DPRK dialogue 1993-2020

Adrian Buzo

Part 4: Society

13. Human rights and North Korea

Sandra Fahy

14. The ‘market value’ of people in North Korea

Kim Seokhyang

15. Child mass mobilization in North Korea

Kim Miju

16. The North Korean diaspora

Sheena Chestnut Greitens

Part 5: Culture

17. The evolution of cultural policy and practice in North Korea, seen through the journal Chosŏn ŭmak (Korean music)

Keith Howard

18. Love of the lover, love of the Leader: youth romance in North Korean fiction

Alek Sigley

19. Mass culture in the Kim Jong Un era: continuities and changes

Tatiana Gabroussenko


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