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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

North Korea in crisis : An assessment of regime sustainability
North Korea in crisis :An assessment of regime sustainability /Kim Sung Chull...[등저]
Kim, Sung Chull
서울:Korea Institute for National Unification,1997
vii, 142 p. :삽도 ;23 cm
An assessment of regime sustainability
Appendix:Checklist for interview,list of interviewees
위기 속의 북한


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE4265 통일교육원 340.911 K499n 대출가능 출력


표제지 = 1
Preface = 3
Contents = 5
PARTⅠ Introduction = 1
Chapter1. The Nature of Inquiry = 3
Chapter2. Framework and Techniques of Analysis = 5
1. The "regime" as a level of analysis = 5
2. Definition of indicators = 8
⒜ The Brzezinski Indicators = 9
⒝ The KINU Indicators = 13
3. Techniques = 16
PARTⅡ. Indicator-based Evaluations of Crisis Levels of the North Korean Socialist Regime = 20
Chapter3. Overview of the Regime's Crisis Levels = 21
1. Application of Brzezinski Indicators to North Korea = 21
2. Application of KINU Indicators to North Korea = 23
Chapter4. The Ideology Sector = 29
1. Function of official ideology = 29
⒜ Binding influence of daily life = 30
⒝ Collectivist requirements = 32
⒞ Father-son power succession = 35
⒟ Kin Jong-il leadership = 37
⒠ Superiority if Our-style Socialism = 39
2. Expectations about the future = 41
⒜ Future hopes = 42
⒝ Rewards and compensations = 44
3. Justification of nationalism within official ideology = 45
⒜ Assessment of self-reliance principle = 46
⒝ Self-reliance principles in practice = 48
Chapter5. The Elite Sector = 50
1. Elite morale = 50
⒜ Sense of pride in positions and roles = 51
⒝ Faithfulness to socialist principles = 52
2. Elite conflicts = 54
⒜ Group Conflicts = 55
⒝ Institutional conflicts = 56
⒞ Conflicts based on personal connections = 60
3. Effectiveness of bureaucracy = 62
⒜ Permeability of instructions = 63
⒝ Latitude of lower units = 64
Chapter6.The Economy Sector = 67
1. Private-sector economy = 67
2. Living standards = 70
⒜ Food diet = 71
⒝ Daily necessities and housing = 72
⒞ GNP trends = 74
3. Foreign economic relations = 77
Chapter7. The Controls Sector = 81
1. Social controls = 81
⒜ Security agencies' controls over the people = 82
⒝ Police control over crime = 84
⒞ Travel and Moves = 86
⒟ Defector trends = 88
2. Political opposition = 90
⒜ Expressions of personal grudges = 91
⒝ Existence of opposition elements = 93
⒞ Regime-critical behavior = 95
3. Counterculture = 97
⒜ Adolescent culture = 98
⒝ Religious activities = 100
⒞ Traditional social units = 101
Chapter8. The Foreign Relations Sector = 104
1. Inflow of outside information = 104
⒜ Awareness of changes in South Korea = 105
⒝ Awareness of changes in China = 108
2. Security-related resources = 110
3. International accusations on human rights violations = 113
PARTⅢ. Assessment of Sustainability of the North Korean Socialist Regime and Conclusions = 116
Chapter9.Assessment of the Regime's Sustainability = 119
1. A sudden exhaustion of the regime's sustainability = 119
⒜ Regime transformation resulting from a change in Kim Hong-il's status = 119
⒝ Regime transformation resulting from paralysis of social controls and official ideology = 119
2. Gradual reforms and the maintenance of sustainability = 122
Chapter10. Summary and conclusions = 124
Appendix A. Checklist for the interview = 127
Appendix B. List of interviewees = 139
Authors = 141


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