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소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

A Critical Juncture : The 2004 U.S. Presidential Election and the North Korea Nuclear Crisis
A Critical Juncture :The 2004 U.S. Presidential Election and the North Korea Nuclear Crisis /Jinwook Choi.
Choi, Jinwook
Seoul:Korea Institute for National Unification,2004.
73p. ;23cm
Studies series ;2004-02
[한글]/[영문]/ Ⅰ. The 2004 U.S. Presidential Election// Overview of Election Issues and Prospects/ The Increasing Importance of Foreign Affairs and Security Issues// Ⅱ. Similarities and Differences between Bush and Kerry on Foreign Affairs and Security Issues// War on Terror and WMD/ Unilateralism and Preemption/ Military Transformation/ Promotion of Democracy/ Evaluations// Ⅲ. Similarities and Differences between Bush and Kerry over the North Korean Nuclear Crisis/ / Perceptions/ Policy Goal/ Policy Means// Ⅳ. North Korean Intention and Surrounding Environments// North Korean Intentions and Strategies/ ROK-U.S. Relations/ Inter-Korean Relations/ International Factors// Ⅴ. Propects for the North Korean Nuclear Crisis after the U.S. Presidential Election// Three Scenarios/ Evaluations// Ⅵ. Summary and Suggestions// Summary/ Suggestions/


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