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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색소장자료 검색

North Korean overseas laborers in Russia : conditions of labor and human rights
North Korean overseas laborers in Russia :conditions of labor and human rights /author: Chan Hong Park
Park, Chan Hong ,
Seoul :Database Center for North Korean Human Rights,2016(c)
341 p. :;23 cm
policy,overseas labor,North Korea,Russia,Human right,working,,


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE5521 통일교육원 321.543 P235n 대출가능 출력


Table of contents

Ⅰ. Preface...11
1. Background and significance of the investigation...11
2. Methodology and scope of research...14
3. Research subjects...16

Ⅱ. Dispatch policy and current state of North Korean overseas laborers...23
1. Dispatch policy...23
A. Policy goals...23
B. Policy characteristics...25
C. Policy implementation agencies...27
「Excerpts from testimonies」...29
2. Current state of overseas laborers...35
A. Background information...35
(1) Administrative divisions...35
(2) Forestry sector...38
(3) Construction sector...41
(4) Treatment of foreign laborers...42
B. General situation and dispatch trends of North Korean laborers...55
(1) General situation...55
(2) Dispatch trends...62
C. Dispatch of North Korean Laborers by region...65
(1) General overview of the regions...65
(2) Workers in the forestry sector...67
(3) Workers in the construction sector...79
「Excerpts from testimonies」...86

Ⅲ. Selection of workers, labor contracts and dispatch procedure...99
1. Selection of workers, labor contracts and dispatch procedure...99
A. Type of recruitment...99
(1) Voluntary application...100
(2) Unilateral selection by the dispatching department...101
B. Selection criteria...102
「Excerpts from testimonies」...105
2. Labor contracts...113
「Excerpts from testimonies」...114
3. Dispatch procedure...116
A. Recruitment notice and process...116
B. Exam and interview procedures...118
C. Preliminary training...122
D. Procedure of departure and return...123
(1) Issuance of passports and visas and route of departure and return...123
(2) Costs covered by North Korean authorities and restricted items...126
(3) Return to North Korea...127
「Excerpts from testimonies」....127

Ⅳ. Labor and human rights conditions...143
1. Basic working environment: residence, food and sanitation...143
A. Residence...143
(1) Right of choosing one’s residence...143
(2) Residence facilities...143
(3) Control and surveillance of the places of residence...145
B. Food...146
C. Sanitation...149
(1) Basic personal items...149
(2) Health and medical treatment...150
「Excerpts from testimonies」...153
2. Working conditions...169
A. Working period, type of labor and working hours...169
(1) Working period...169
(2) Type of labor and working hours...171
B. Compensation (wages and welfare)...173
(1) Wages...173
(2) Management of wages...178
(3) Incentive pay, severance pay...181
(4) Remittance to family...181
C. Work environment and related diseases and injuries...182
D. Illegal work...186
「Excerpts from testimonies」...190
3. Human rights conditions...227
A. Ideological education and surveillance system...227
(1) Ideological education...227
(2) Surveillance system...228
B. Restricton in activities...229
(1) Contact with family...229
(2) Access to media...230
(3) Contact with the outside world...231
(4) Escape from the workplace...232
(5) Internal regulation and punishment...234
C. Violation of the law in the country of dispatch...238
「Excerpts from testimonies」...239

Ⅴ. Recommendations for improvement of the human rights of North Korean overseas workers in Russia...271
1. Development of the international discussion on North Korean human rights...271
A. Introduction...271
B. Human Rights resolutions...276
2. Human Rights of dispatched workers...282
A. Violations of the resolutions on North Korean human rights...282
B. Russia’s Violations of the Resolutions on North Korean human rights...288
「Excerpts from testimonies」...293
3. Recommendations for improvement of the Human rights of dispatched North Korean workers...296
A. Recommendations to the DPRK authorities...296
(1) Prohibition of extrajudicial punishments and forced labor...296
(2) Prevention of forced repatriations...296
(3) Guarantee of individual freedom and access to information, elimination of discrimination based on the Seongbun system...297
(4) Improvement of severe health problems...298
(5) Prohibition of labor rights violations, compliance with international labor standards...298
B. Recommendations to Russian authorities...300
(1) Preventive measures and sanctions for extrajudicial measures...300
(2) Supervision and sanctions regarding the improvement of labor, welfare and sanitary environment...301
C. Recommendations to the international community and the South Korean government...302
(1) UN human rights regime...302
(2) International NGOs...304
(3) South Korean government...304


[Appendix] Agreement between the government of the Russian federation and the government of democratic people’s republic of temporal employment...309


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