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통일교육 전문 도서관으로서, 통일교육 정책에 대한 종합적인 서비스를 제공합니다.

신착자료 조회

소장자료 검색신착자료 조회

DPRK : Seven Decades of Creation and Changes
DPRK :Seven Decades of Creation and Changes /Authored by Choe Su Nam;Pak Kum Il;Edited by Jang Kyong Nam;Kim Youg Chan
Choe Su Nam
Pak Kum Il
Jang Kyong Nam
Kim Youg Chan
북한:Foreign Languages Publishing House,2018
150 p.
Seven Decades of Creation and Changes


단행본 소장정보
번호 등록번호 소장처 청구기호 도서상태 서비스 출력
1 BE32019 통일교육원 MS 340.911 C545d 대출불가 (별치기호) 출력


"Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...5
Laying the foundaion of independent and sovereign state...6
Building of the people's government...6
Building of regular armed forces...11
Enforcement of democratic reforms...14
Founding of the people's state, Kim Il Sung elected to the top post of DPRK...19

Defending national freedom and independence...23
Immediate counteroffensive...24
New counteroffensive after ordeals...27
Great victory in Fatherland Liberation War...31

Building socialism, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in defence...35
Reconstruction starts on debris...36
Brilliant victory of socialict revolution, establishment of people-centred socialist system...39
April theses-programme of socialist revolution...39
Cooperativization of agriculture...42
Socialist transformation of private trade and industry...46
Decisive turn in establishing Juche...49
Grand Chollima advance...53
Establishment of socialist econmic management system...57
'Rifle in one hand and hammer or sickle in the other!'...60
Theses in socialist rural question...62
Turning into socialist industrial state...65

Consolidation and development of people-centred socialism, defence of socialist cause...69
Promulgation of socialist constitution, application of socialist democracy in state activities...70
Intensification of three revolutions...73
Uninterrupted leap forward in economic construction...76
Dynamic speed campaign...76
At the apeed of the 1980s!...80
In the face of persistent sanctions and blockade...83
Efflorescence of socialist culture...87
Smashing anti-socialist sophistry...89
For a new independent world...92

Defending socialism by dint of Songun, effecting a turn in socialist power building...97
Holding Kim Il Sung as eternal Sun of Juche...98
Kim Jong Il elected to the top post of DPRK...100
Administering Songun politics in all-round way...103
Strengthening politico-ideological position of socialism...105
Laying solid foundations for building economic grant...107
Overcoming difficulties...107
Effecting new revolutionary upsurge...109
Turning into military power...113
For the independent reunification of Korea...115
Three Charters for National Reunification...115
June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and October4 Declaration...120
Strengthening overseas Koreans' movement...122
Expansion of external relations...126
For all-round construction of socialist power...129
Holding Kim Jong Il as eternal leader...130
Jim Jong Un elected to the top posts of Party, state and army...132
Golden age of military buildup...134
Decisive turn in improvement of the prople's livelihood and building of economic giant...137
Building of sci-tech and civilized power...139
New era of national reconciliation and unity, peace and prosperity, and independent reunification...142
Landmark events in achieving global peace, stability and prosperity...145
Historic visits open up a new chapter for DPRK-China friendship...145
Epoch-making meeting makes history for DPRK-US relations...147"


유사자료 정보
이미지 자료명 저자 출판사 출판년
A grand birth A grand birth Choe Yong Thae author; Kim Foreign Languages Publishing House 2018
Koreas division and its truth Koreas division and its truth by Choe Jung Chol;Won Chung Guk Foreign Languages Publishing House 2014

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