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MAGIC:Man performs both in real and imaginary word
By Kim Rye Yong PT 기사
MACROBIAN:Centenarian still reads and knits in good health
By Pang Un Ju PT 기사
MACHINERY:Various kinds of construction machines made
By Song Yong Sok PT 기사
MACHINERY:New farm machines manufactured
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
MACHINERY: Industry steps up production for major projects
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
MACHINE:Custom-built equipment production speeds up
By Kim Ryong Jin PT 기사
MACHINE BUILDING:Technical innovations bring production boom
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
MACHINE BUILDIN:GIndustry ratchets up equipment production
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
Luncheon hosted in honour of President Moon
Compiled from KCNA 기사
Lunar New Year''s Day Customs in Korea
LUBRICANT : Chonji lubricant earns growing popularity
Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
Loyal Commander Pu Punno
Look Squarely at DPRK
LOCAL:Mountainous county fares well on its own
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
LOCAL INDUSTRY:County benefits from mountain management
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
Local elections slated for July in DPRK
Compiled from KCNA 기사
LIVING MONUMENT:Taesongsan Juniperus chinensis var. horizontalis
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
LIVING MONUMENT:Pine trees remain lush for hundreds of years
Compiled from KCNA 기사
LIVING MONUMENT : Korean archaeopteryx
Jong Sun Bok PT 기사
LIVING MONUMENT : Kaesong Pinus bungeana
Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
Living Memory
LIVESTOCK FARMING:By-products used in rabbit breeding
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
""Little Star of Sinpho"": Today and Tomorrow
Little Poet
Literary works extol new year's advance
Compiled from KCNA 기사
Limestone output increases after completion of crushing plant
Cha Myong Chol PT 기사
Like Their Predecessors
Like My Mother
Like Kith and Kin
LIGHT INDUSTRY : The year begins with mass production of consumer goods
Pak Sung Gwang PT 기사