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PRESS CONFERENCE : Deputy UN mission chief calls for forming lawyers forum
PRESS RELEASE:Anti-DPRK sanctions must be lifted
Compiled from KCNA 기사
PRESS RELEASE : FM details anti-DPRK sanctions imposed by US and its followers
PRESS RELEASE:Joint statement blames US for turning the Korean peninsula into nuclear war theatre
PRESS RELEASE : KCNAreport details achievements since Seventh WPK Congress - Achievements: A year sees rapid progress after 7th WPK Congress
PRESS RELEASE:KCNA report slams joint military rehearsal
Press release of the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Worker''s Party of Korea - Members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee
Compiled from KCNA 기사
PRESS RELEASE : Workers'groups agree to try for pan-national conference
Compiled from KCNA 기사
Pride of Animal Trainers
Pride of Developers
Pride of Doctors
Pride of Gymnstics Coach
Pride of Plasma Researchers
Pride of Researchers
Pride of Turf Researchers
Primary Attention to Education
Primary Attention to Training of Technical Personnel
Prioritizing Science and Technology
Problem to Be Solved without Delay
PRODUCT:Company develops advanced casting technology
By Pang Un Ju PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Brewery makes beer with wheat
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
PRODUCTION : By relying on their own technology and efforts
Chae Hyang Ok PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Cement factory satisfies local needs
By Chae Hyang Ok PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Coal mines achieve steady rise in production
By Song Yong Sok PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Company known for energy-saving products
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Electric locomotive factory in high gear
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Electronics factory gets renowned for fashionable products
By Pak Chang Bok PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Factories carry out annual plans ahead of schedule
By Chae Hyang Ok PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Factory combines technology with production
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
PRODUCTION:Factory develops new beauty aids
By Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사