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콜드리딩 = Cold reading : you can read her mind, anytime, anywhere, without anything
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음양진인 지음 지식문화공동체 성숙한 삶 2011 단행본
민주화·탈냉전시대, 평화와 통일의 사건사 = History of peace and national reunification : important events from the post-cold war and democratization era in Korea
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김갑식...등 [공] 지음;정태헌 소명출판 2014 단행본
미소냉전과 소련군정 아래서의 조선민주주의인민공화국 건국 = (The) establishment of the democratic people`s republic of Korea under the evolution of the U.S-U.S.S.R. cold war and the Soviet military rule : January 1946~September 1948 : 1946년 1월~1948년 9월
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김학준 저;진석용 서울대학교 출판부 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Not one inch : America, Russia, and the making of Post-cold war stalemate
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by M. E. Sarotte Yale 2021 단행본
Cold Peace : Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953
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edited by Yoram Gorlizki;Oleg Khlevniuk Oxford University Press 2004 단행본
Pax transatlantica : America and europe in the post-cold war era
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by Jussi M. Hanhimaki Oxford 2021 단행본
Deception : Russiagate and the new cold war
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by Richard Sakwa Lexington books 2022 단행본
Fateful triangle : How China shaped U.S.-India relations during the cold war
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by Tanvi Madan Brookings 2020 단행본