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(사회주의국가) 북한의 외국인 투자제도 = (The) socialism North Korea enacts law on foreign investement
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전지명 지음 삼영사(三英社) 2011 단행본
탈북인의 공·사적 관계와 의사소통 = Social interactions and communicaions of North Korean refugees in public and private spheres
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이순형;김창대 서울대학교출판문화원 2011 단행본
글로벌 거버넌스와 국제안보 = Global governance and international security : issues and actors : 이슈와 행위자
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정은숙 지음 한울 2012 단행본
중국 엘리트 정치 = China`s elite politics : structure, actor and dynamics : 구조·행위자·동학
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주장환 지음 아연출판부 2013 단행본
분단의 행위자-네트워크와 수행성 = Actor-network and performativity of divided Korea
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동국대학교 분단 탈분단연구센터 엮음 한울 2015 단행본
북한 장거리 로켓 : 미사일 한눈에 보기 : fact book
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국회도서관 [편] 국회도서관 2009 단행본 목차 정보 있음
중앙아시아 플랜트시장의 특징과 한국의 참여방안 = (The) study of characteristics on the plant market in the central Asia and participating strategy of Korea : 카자흐스탄과 우즈베키스탄을 중심으로
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윤성학 저 대외경제정책연구원 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음
ASEAN의 의사결정 구조와 방식 = ASEAN`s decision-making structure and practice
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강대창;박나리 대외경제정책연구원 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
포스트 소비에트 20년 중앙아시아의 미래 = Post-soviet 20 years, the future of Central Asia : a study on the possibility of integration and factors toward disintegration : 통합 가능성과 균열 요인 연구
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이재영;김석환 대외경제정책연구원 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
중앙아시아 외국인투자의 특징과 한국기업에 대한 시사점 = (The) characteristics of foreign investment in Central Asia and its implications
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조영관;주진홍 대외경제정책연구원 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
개성공업지구 법규집(2005) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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개성공업지구관리위원회 [편] 개성공업지구관리위원회 2005 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2009) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 개성공단사업지원단 [편] 통일부 개성공단사업지원단 2009 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2009) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 개성공단사업지원단 [편] 통일부 개성공단사업지원단 2009 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2011) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 [편] 통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
북한인권 개선을 위한 중·장기 정책 및 로드맵 구축 : 제도적 기반 확립 및 action plan 수립을 중심으로
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국가인권위원회 [편] 국가인권위원회 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(2011 최신) 북한법령집 = Collection of current acts and regulations of North Korea : 북한법·통일법연구 자료집
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장명봉 편 북한법연구회 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(2013 최신) 북한법령집 = Collection of current acts and regulations of North Korea : 북한법연구회 창립 20주년 기념 자료집
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장명봉 편 북한법연구회 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(The) Attraction of Korean unification : inter-Korean and international costs and benefits
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edited by Kyuryoon Kim ... [et al.] KINU(Korea Institute for National Unification) 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Direct action and democracy today
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edited by April Carter Polity Press 2005 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2007) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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개성공업지구관리위원회 [편] 개성공업지구관리위원회 2007 단행본 url 정보 있음
KINU research abstracts `97
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1998 단행본
KINU research abstracts `98
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1999 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2010) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 [편] 통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 2010 단행본 url 정보 있음
(2010) Code of the Act and Regulations for the Kaesong Industrial Zone
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Editor by Ministry of Unification Ministry of Unification 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음 url 정보 있음
KINU research abstracts `97
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1998 단행본
KINU research abstracts `98
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1999 단행본
KINU research abstracts `97
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1998 단행본
KINU research abstracts `98
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1999 단행본
KINU research abstracts `97
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Korean Institute for National Unification Korean Institute for National Unification 1998 단행본
(The) emergence of a new generation : the generational experience and characteristics of young North Koreans
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Cho Jeong-ah; Cho Young-ju Korea Institute for National Unification 2014 단행본 목차 정보 있음