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Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
A grand birth
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Choe Yong Thae author; Kim Foreign Languages Publishing House 2018 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Ideology and the collapse of the Soviet system : a critical history of Soviet ideological discourse
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edited by Neil Robinson E. Elgar 1995 단행본
Green book for the renewal of public education in Hungary : round table for education and child opportunities
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Edited by Karoly Fazekas; Janos Kollo Ecostat 2009 단행본
White paper on North Korean human rights 2016 : special 10th edition containing over 100, 000 records
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Database Center For North Korean Human Rights North Korean Human Rights Archives 2016 단행본 목차 정보 있음
White paper on religious freedom in North Korea 2014
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Jai-ho Chung;Hyun-min An Database Center For North Korean Human Rights 2014 단행본 목차 정보 있음
White paper on religious freedom in North Korea 2013
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Jai-ho Chung;Hyun-min An Database Center For North Korean Human Rights 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
North Korean overseas laborers in Russia : conditions of labor and human rights
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author: Chan Hong Park Database Center for North Korean Human Rights 2016 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Human rights and North Korea's overseas laborers : dilemmas and policy challenges
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author: Yoon Yeo-sang, Lee Seung-ju Database Center for North Korean Human Rights 2015 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(The) Korean government : policies and administration 1948~2013
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by The Korea Institute of Public Administration Daeyoung Moonhwasa Publishing Co 2015 단행본
(The) North Korean revolution, 1945-1950
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Charles K. Armstrong Cornell University Press 2003 단행본 목차 정보 있음
American exceptionalism : (A) New history of an old idea
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by Ian Tyrrell Chicago press 2021 단행본
Understanding human rights in North Korea
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edited by Sung-Chul Choi Center for the advancement of north Korean rights 1997 단행본
(The) Tragic vision of politics : ethics, interests and orders
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edited by Richard Ned Lebow Cambridge University Press 2003 단행본
Democracy and the rule of law
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edited by Jose Maria Maravall;Adam Przeworski Cambridge University Press 2003 단행본
Social theory of international politics
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[by] Alexander Wendt Cambridge University Press 1999 단행본
Womens International Thought : Towards a New Canon
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ed. by Patricia Owens;Katharina Rietzler Cambridge 2022 단행본
Unveiling the North Korean economy : collapse and transition
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by Byung-Yeon Kim Cambridge 2017 단행본
Womens International Thought : (A) New history
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edited by Patricia Owens;Katharina Rietzler Cambridge 2021 단행본
Fateful triangle : How China shaped U.S.-India relations during the cold war
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by Tanvi Madan Brookings 2020 단행본
김일성민족주의 정치전략의 비판적 분석 = (The) political strategies of `Kim Il-sung nationalism` : a critical analysis : 북한, `김일성주의를 바탕에 둔 봉건적 군주제`로 변화하다
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김광철 지음 Book Lab(북랩) 2014 단행본
Global justice
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edited by Thomas W. Pogge Blackwell Publishers 2003 단행본
(The) Ethics of community
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edited by Frank G. Kirkpatrick Blackwell 2001 단행본 목차 정보 있음
폭군 : 셰익스피어에게 배우는 권력의 원리
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스티븐 그린블랫 지음;이종인 옮김 Being 2020 단행본
어떻게 원하는 것을 얻는가 : 13년 연속 와튼스쿨 최고 인기 강의
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스튜어트 다이아몬드 지음;김태훈 옮김 8.0 2011 단행본
프레임 = Frame : 나를 바꾸는 심리학의 지혜
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최인철 지음 21세기북스 2016 단행본
생각을 SHOW 하라 : 아이디어를 시각화하는 6가지 방법
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댄 로암 지음;정준희 옮김 21세기북스 2009 단행본
대한민국 국가전략 = Korea`s grand national strategy : 대한민국 세계전략, 선진화혁명, 그리고 공동체자유주의
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박세일 지음 21세기북스 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음