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돈으로 살 수 없는 것들 : 무엇이 가치를 결정하는가
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마이클 샌델 [지음];안기순 옮김 와이즈베리 2012 단행본
(365) 매일 읽는 긍정의 한 줄
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린다 피콘 지음;키와 블란츠 옮김 책이있는풍경 2012 단행본
무엇을 위해 살 것인가 : 스탠포드대 인생특강 목적으로 가는 길
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윌리엄 데이먼 지음;한혜민 한국경제신문 2012 단행본
문제는 경제다 = It`s the economy, stupid : 버리고, 바꾸고, 바로 잡아야 할 것들
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선대인 지음 웅진지식하우스 2012 단행본
미국에서 태어난게 잘못이야
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토머스 게이건 지음;한상연 옮김 부키 2012 단행본
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알랭 드 보통 지음;정영목 옮김 은행나무 2012 단행본
역사 속에 사라진 직업들
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미하엘라 비저 지음:이르멜라 샤우츠 그림;권세훈 옮김 지식채널 2012 단행본
인문학, 노래로 쓰다 = Writing humanities through song : 독문학자 정경량의 시와 음악 산책
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정경량 지음 태학사 2012 단행본
초협력자 : 세상을 지배하는 다섯 가지 협력의 법칙
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마틴 노왁;로저 하이필드 [공] 지음 사이언스북스 2012 단행본
회의없는 조직 : 수평적 조직문화를 만드는 퍼실리테이션의 모든 것
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김종남 지음 플랜비디자인 2012 단행본
Human Rights Conditions under the Kim Jong-un Regime and International Cooperation
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Dong-ho Han 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Dismissal of Ri Yong Ho and North Korea’s Perspective on the Power Struggle
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Cho Han-Bum 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Kim Young-hwan, China, Democratization of North Korea and the Improvement of Human Rights
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Son Gi-Woong 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Living with North Korea without Kim Jong Il: A South Korean Perspective
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Kim Tae Woo 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Agreement from the 3rd Round of US-DPRK Denuclearization Talks and the Outlook for the North Korean Nuclear Issue
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Hong Woo Taek 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Upcoming North Korean Party Delegates’ Conference: Power Sharing among the High Elites in the Kim Jong Eun Era
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Park Hyeong Jung 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Putin’s Korea Policy Outlook and Response Strategies for South Korea
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Cho Han Bum 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
April 2012: Project Deadline for Building a Strong, Prosperous Nation in North Korea
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Park Hyeong Jung 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Outline of the Kim Jong Un’s Ruling Coalition advanced in this April
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Park Hyeong Jung 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Implications of Iran’s Success in Developing Fourth-Generation Centrifuge Technology
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Shin Sung Tack 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
International Law and the Inhumanity of Repatriating North Korean Escapees
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Lee Kyu Chang 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The International Trend to Improve North Korean Human Rights and the Choice for South Korea
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Han Dong-ho 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The True Intent behind the North Korean NDC’s “Open Questionnaire” to the South
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Center for North Korean Studies, KINU 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
China’s Obligations under International Law to Protect North Korean Escapeese
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Jung-hyun Cho 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Lee Myung Bak Administration’s North Korea Policy : Review and Evaluation
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KINU Current Affairs TF Team 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
An Assessment of the Persistence of the Kim Jong-un Regime: With an Emphasis on a Comparison to the Kim Jong-il Regime
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Kim Jin Ha 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Kim Jong-un Regime: Reorganization of Power and Diagnosis of Crisis Factors
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Cho Han-Bum 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Necessity and Considerations for the North Korean Human Rights Act
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Lee Kyu-Chang 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the South Korea-Japan General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA)
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Jae-Jeok Park 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음
The background and motives behind Park In Sook’s re-defection to North Korea and our countermeasures
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Kim Soo-Am 통일연구원 2012 단행본 url 정보 있음