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Mines concentrate on developing new coalfields
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
MINERAL:Magnesite, DPRK''s ''white gold''
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
Mineral Enriched Beverage
Military Parade in Celebration of the 75th Founding Anniversary of the KPA = 조선인민군창건 75돐경축 열병식 / [2]
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림옥 글 외국문출판사 2023 단행본
Military Parade in Celebration of the 75th Founding Anniversary of the KPA = 조선인민군창건 75돐경축 열병식 / [2]
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림옥 글 외국문출판사 2023 단행본
Military parade and civilian demonstration exhibit DPRK's power and single-mindedness
Military parade and cicilian demonstrarion highlight Kim Il Sung's 105th anniversary - Celebrations: Major holiday marked with grandeur
PT staff reporter 기사
Milestone in Opening Avenue of National Reconciliation, Peace and Prosperity
MIDWIVES:Defenders of women''s rights
By Jong Chol PT 기사
MIDWIFERY : Year's devotion to newborn babies
Jong Sun Bok PT 기사
MIDEAST:Palestine protests
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
MFC중심객체들에 대한 인식효과를 높인 방법
계일남 기사
MFC응용프로그람개발과정을 통하여 8bit처리장치명령체계의 동작에 대한 인식효과를 높인 방법
리철 기사
METEOROLOGY:Weather-ready, climate-smart
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
METEOROLOGY : Clouds have much effect on nature and life
Choe Kwang Jin PT 기사
METAL:Self-reliant production processes consolidated
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
METALLURGY:Coke-free lead smelting process upgraded
By Kim Kum Myong PT 기사
METAL:Iron giant inaugurates coke-free process to make production Juche-based
Compiled from KCNA 기사
METAL:Industry gets more self-supporting with completion of a huge project
Compiled from KCNA 기사
MESSAGE : SPA Presidium chief slams US boycott of Paris agreement
MESSAGE:SPA foreign affairs committee sends open letter to foreign parliaments
Message of thanks
MESSAGE:NAM''s support to Palestine urgently needed
Compiled from KCNA 기사
MESSAGE:Kim Jong Un congratulates Vladimir Putin on Russia''s national day
Compiled from KCNA 기사
MESSAGE : DPRK representatives write to UN agency chiefs
Compiled from KCNA 기사
MERIT:Graduates volunteer to teach at out-of-the-way schools
By Pang Un Ju PT 기사
MEMORANDUM : Supreme Leader lauded for devoted performance for national reunification
MEMORANDUM:Memorandum praises great leaders'' devotion to overall national unity
MEMORANDUM:Kim Jong Un''s exploits for national reunification praised
MEMORANDuM : FM clarifies DPRK's stance against US war moves