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번호 서명 저자 출판사 출판년 자료유형 초록 목차 URL
(2010) 통일부 법령집 = The Ministry of Unification The Code of Laws
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통일부 편 통일부 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음 url 정보 있음
개성공업지구 법규집(2010) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 [편] 통일부 남북협력지구발전기획단 2010 단행본 url 정보 있음
개성공업지구 법규집(2009) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 개성공단사업지원단 [편] 통일부 개성공단사업지원단 2009 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2009) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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통일부 개성공단사업지원단 [편] 통일부 개성공단사업지원단 2009 단행본
Peace-keeping in the Korean Peninsula: The Role of Commissions
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Gabriel Jonsson Korea Institute for National Unification 2009 단행본 url 정보 있음
(The) U.S.-ROK Alliance in the 21st Century
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edited by Jung-Ho Bae and Abraham Denmark Korea Institute for National Unification 2009 단행본 목차 정보 있음
이기적 유전자
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리처드 도킨스 지음;홍영남 옮김 을유문화사 2008 단행본
미·일·중·러의 군사전략 = Military strategy of four powers in Northeast Asia
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국방대안보문제연구소 엮음;한용섭 한울 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
미소냉전과 소련군정 아래서의 조선민주주의인민공화국 건국 = (The) establishment of the democratic people`s republic of Korea under the evolution of the U.S-U.S.S.R. cold war and the Soviet military rule : January 1946~September 1948 : 1946년 1월~1948년 9월
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김학준 저;진석용 서울대학교 출판부 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
북한정치 = North Korean politics : evolution of a theocratic regime : 신정체제의 진화와 작동원리
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이상우 나남출판 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
International relations theory for the twenty-first century : an introduction
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edited by Martin Griffiths Routledge 2007 단행본 목차 정보 있음 url 정보 있음
남북한 접경지역 SOC 공동개발 및 이용에 관한 연구 = (A) study on joint-development and-utilization of SOC in the North-South Korea border region based on experiences of Germany : 독일경험을 중심으로
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경기개발연구원 [편] 경기개발연구원 2007 단행본 목차 정보 있음
개성공업지구 법규집(2007) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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개성공업지구관리위원회 [편] 개성공업지구관리위원회 2007 단행본 url 정보 있음
(The) War of the World : History`s Age of Hatred
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edited by Niall Ferguson Penguin Group(CA) 2006 단행본
(2006) 통일부 법령집 = The Ministry of Unification The Code of Laws
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통일부 편 통일부 2006 단행본
개성공업지구 법규집(2005) = Code of the act and regulation for the Gaeseong industrial complex
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개성공업지구관리위원회 [편] 개성공업지구관리위원회 2005 단행본
Infrastructure of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia : current status and tasks
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Jong-chul Park ... [et al.] Korea Institute for National Unification 2005 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Colossus : the price of America`s empire
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edited by Niall Ferguson Penguin Press 2004 단행본 목차 정보 있음
American power and world order
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edited by Christian Reus-Smit Polity Press 2004 단행본
Cold Peace : Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953
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edited by Yoram Gorlizki;Oleg Khlevniuk Oxford University Press 2004 단행본
(The) Philosophical foundations of environmental law : property, rights and nature
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edited by Sean Coyle;Karen Morrow Hart Publishing 2004 단행본
(The) Tragic vision of politics : ethics, interests and orders
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edited by Richard Ned Lebow Cambridge University Press 2003 단행본
Democracy and the rule of law
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edited by Jose Maria Maravall;Adam Przeworski Cambridge University Press 2003 단행본
Knowledge and the Search for Understanding Among Nations
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editor by Dickson A.Mungazi Praeger 2001 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Social theory of international politics
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[by] Alexander Wendt Cambridge University Press 1999 단행본
統一問題硏究 = The Korean journal of unification affairs : 1997 상반기
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평화문제연구소 [편] 平和問題硏究所 1997 단행본
統一問題硏究 = The Korean journal of unification affairs : 1997 하반기
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평화문제연구소 [편] 平和問題硏究所 1997 단행본
統一問題硏究 = The Korean journal of unification affairs : 1994 여름
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평화문제연구소 [편] 平和問題硏究所 1996 단행본
Three decades of peace education around the world : an anthology
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edited by Robin J. Burns and Robert Aspeslagh Garland Pub 1996 단행본 목차 정보 있음
統一問題硏究 = The Korean journal of unification affairs : 1995 하반기
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평화문제연구소 [편] 平和問題硏究所 1995 단행본