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(21세기) 북한 정치학 = 21th century North Korean politics
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이성구;연명모 [공] 저 대경(大經) 2011 단행본
중국 엘리트 정치 = China`s elite politics : structure, actor and dynamics : 구조·행위자·동학
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주장환 지음 아연출판부 2013 단행본
함흥과 평성 = Hamhung and Pyeongsung : urban history of space, every life and politics : 공간·일상·정치의 도시사
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북한도시사연구팀 엮음 한울아카데미 2014 단행본
강대국 정치와 한반도 = Great power politics and the Korean peninsula : U.S.-China contest for supremacy : 미·중의 패권경쟁
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남궁영 지음 오름 2016 단행본
네트워크 세계정치 = World politics of networks : from metaphor to analysis : 은유에서 분석으로
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하영선;김상배 [공] 엮음 서울대학교출판문화원 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음
미국정치론 : 부조화의 패러다임
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새뮤얼 헌팅턴 지음;장원석 옮김 오름 1999 단행본 목차 정보 있음
한국 정치를 읽는 20개의 키워드 = 20 keywords in Korean politics : from neoliberalism to populism : 신자유주의부터 포퓰리즘까지
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홍익표 지음 오름 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
리더십교체기의 동북아 4국의 국내정치 및 대외정책 변화와 한국의 통일외교 전략 = (The) Northeastern Asian countries and their changes in domestic politics and foreign policies in leadership transition : implications of South Korea`s strategies for national unification
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배정호;김진하 통일연구원 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
동남아시아의 최근 정치·외교에 대한 전략적 평가 = (A) strategic assessment of the recent politics and diplomacy in Southeast Asia : with special references to Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines : 태국, 베트남, 인도네시아, 필리핀을 중심으로
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조흥국;윤진표 대외경제정책연구원 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
강대국권력정치 아래서의 한반도분할과 소련의 북한군정개시 = Korean partition and the Soviet militaty rule of North Korea under international politics among major power : 1863~January 1946 : 1863년~1946년 1월
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김학준 저;진석용 서울대학교 출판부 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(The) North Korean revolution, 1945-1950
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Charles K. Armstrong Cornell University Press 2003 단행본 목차 정보 있음
German politics, 1945-1995
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edited by Peter Pulzer Oxford University Press 1995 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Beyond left and right : the future of radical politics
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edited by Anthony Giddens Polity Press 1994 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China`s rise, Russia`s fall : politics, economics and planning in the transition from stalinism
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edited by Peter Nolan Macmillan 1995 단행본 목차 정보 있음
What`s left? : radical politics in the postcommunist era
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edited by Charles Derber ...[et al.] University of Massachusetts 1995 단행본
(The) Tragic vision of politics : ethics, interests and orders
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edited by Richard Ned Lebow Cambridge University Press 2003 단행본
Double-sidedness of North Korea
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edited by Chang Yong-seok, Jeong Eun-mee Ministry of unification,Institute for Unification Education 2015 단행본 목차 정보 있음
북한정치 = North Korean politics : evolution of a theocratic regime : 신정체제의 진화와 작동원리
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이상우 나남출판 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China`s domestic politics and foreign policies and major countries` strategies toward China
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edited by Jung-Ho Bae; Jae H. Ku Korea Institute for National Unification 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
Russia and America
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by Andrei P.Tsygankov Polity 2019 단행본
Social theory of international politics
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[by] Alexander Wendt Cambridge University Press 1999 단행본