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대한민국 국가전략 = Korea`s grand national strategy : 대한민국 세계전략, 선진화혁명, 그리고 공동체자유주의
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박세일 지음 21세기북스 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
강대국권력정치 아래서의 한반도분할과 소련의 북한군정개시 = Korean partition and the Soviet militaty rule of North Korea under international politics among major power : 1863~January 1946 : 1863년~1946년 1월
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김학준 저;진석용 서울대학교 출판부 2008 단행본 목차 정보 있음
북한의 협상 스타일 = North Korean international negotiating style
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김용호 저 인하대학교 출판부 2004 단행본 목차 정보 있음
국가안보의 한국화 = Korean national security : a Korean conceptualization on national security in the globalization era
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김석용 편저 오름 2012 단행본
전통의 변주와 연대 = Imaginative renewal of tradition & national solidarity : 분단 코리언의 생활세계
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김명희...등 [공] 지음 한국문화사 2016 단행본
한반도 안보와 국제법 = (The) Korean peninsula security & international law
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김동욱 지음 한국학술정보 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음
김일성민족주의 정치전략의 비판적 분석 = (The) political strategies of `Kim Il-sung nationalism` : a critical analysis : 북한, `김일성주의를 바탕에 둔 봉건적 군주제`로 변화하다
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김광철 지음 Book Lab(북랩) 2014 단행본
민주화·탈냉전시대, 평화와 통일의 사건사 = History of peace and national reunification : important events from the post-cold war and democratization era in Korea
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김갑식...등 [공] 지음;정태헌 소명출판 2014 단행본
한국 민족주의와 변혁적 이념체계 = Korean nationalism and reformist ideological system
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금인숙;문상석 나남 2010 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
Korea in Kim jong uns era
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written by Kim Kyong Chol; Kim Kum Hui Foreign Languages Publishing House 2019 단행본
Infrastructure of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia : current status and tasks
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Jong-chul Park ... [et al.] Korea Institute for National Unification 2005 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(A New Era of Hope) National security and strategy
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Editor by Office of National Security the Republic of Korea Ministry of Unification 2014 단행본
Global justice
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edited by Thomas W. Pogge Blackwell Publishers 2003 단행본
The Korean journal of national unification, 1993
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edited by the Research Institute for National Unification The Research Institute for National Unification 1993 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Korean journal of national unification, 1994
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edited by the Research Institute for National Unification The Research Institute for National Unification 1994 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Korean journal of national unification, 1995
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edited by the Research Institute for National Unification The Research Institute for National Unification 1995 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Korean journal of national unification, 1996
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edited by the Research Institute for National Unification The Research Institute for National Unification 1996 단행본 url 정보 있음
The Korean journal of national unification, 1992
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edited by the Research Institute for National Unification The Research Institute for National Unification 1992 단행본 url 정보 있음
Multilateralism and U.S. foreign policy : ambivalent engagement
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edited by Stewart Patrick; Shepard Forman Lynne Rienner 2002 단행본
Womens International Thought : (A) New history
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edited by Patricia Owens;Katharina Rietzler Cambridge 2021 단행본
International relations theory for the twenty-first century : an introduction
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edited by Martin Griffiths Routledge 2007 단행본 목차 정보 있음 url 정보 있음
(The) Attraction of Korean unification : inter-Korean and international costs and benefits
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edited by Kyuryoon Kim ... [et al.] KINU(Korea Institute for National Unification) 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Korean peninsula division/unification : from the international perspective
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edited by Kyuryoon Kim and Jae-Jeok Park Korea institute for national unification 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
The Korean journal of national unification, 1997
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edited by Korea Institute for National Unification Korea Institute for National Unification 1997 단행본 url 정보 있음
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies / Vol.21, No.1
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[edited by] Korea institute for national unification Korea institute for national unification 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies / Vol.21, No.2
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[edited by] Korea institute for national unification Korea institute for national unification 2012 단행본
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies / Vol.22, No.1
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[edited by] Korea institute for national unification Korea institute for national unification 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies / Vol.22, No.2
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[edited by] Korea institute for national unification Korea institute for national unification 2013 단행본
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies / Vol.23, No.1
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[edited by] Korea institute for national unification Korea institute for national unification 2014 단행본