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21세기 한국과 육군력 = Korea and army power in the 21st century : role and prospect : 역할과 전망
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서강대학교 육군력연구소 기획;이근욱 엮음 한울아카데미 2016 단행본
329일-베를린 장벽 붕괴에서 독일 통일까지
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호르스트 텔칙 지음;엄호현 옮김 고려원 1996 단행본 목차 정보 있음
6·15 정상회담과 한반도 평화체제 = (The) June 15 summit and building of a peace regime on the Korean peninsula : 6·15 정상회담 7주년 기념 국제학술회의 발표논문집
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통일연구원 [편] 통일연구원 2007 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(A) brief history of neoliberalism
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edited by David Harvey Oxford University Press 2005 단행본
A grand birth
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Choe Yong Thae author; Kim Foreign Languages Publishing House 2018 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(A) History of education for citizenship
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editor by Derek Heater RoutledgeFalmer 2004 단행본
AI 2041 : 10개의 결정적 장면으로 읽는 인공지능과 인류의 미래
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리카이푸;천치우판 [공]지음 한빛비즈 2022 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(AI분석으로 발견한) 상위 5% 리더의 습관
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고시카와 신지 지음;김정환 옮김 밀리언서재 2022 단행본 목차 정보 있음
American exceptionalism : (A) New history of an old idea
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by Ian Tyrrell Chicago press 2021 단행본
American foreign policy : the dynamics of choice in the 21st century
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edited by Bruce W. Jentleson W.W. Norton 2000 단행본
American power and world order
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edited by Christian Reus-Smit Polity Press 2004 단행본
(A New Era of Hope) National security and strategy
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Editor by Office of National Security the Republic of Korea Ministry of Unification 2014 단행본
(A) New way to understand why nations rise and fall
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edited by Ian Bremmer Simon & Schuster 2006 단행본
ASEAN의 의사결정 구조와 방식 = ASEAN`s decision-making structure and practice
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강대창;박나리 대외경제정책연구원 2011 단행본 목차 정보 있음
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[edited by] The Institute for Far Eastern studies The Institute for Far Eastern studies 2005 단행본
(A) World after liberalism : Philosophers of the radical right
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by Matthew Rose Yale 2021 단행본
Baekdu Daegan Korea mountain of North and South Korea = 코리아 백두대간 남과 북의 산들
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[Roger shepherd];English-Korean translation by Mr. Han Young Whan Roger Shepherd 2013 단행본
Basic reading on Korean unification
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Huh Moon Young ... [et al.] Korea Institute for National Unification 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Beyond left and right : the future of radical politics
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edited by Anthony Giddens Polity Press 1994 단행본 목차 정보 있음
(CEO of DPRK) 김정일
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정창현 지음 중앙북스 2007 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China`s domestic politics and foreign policies and major countries` strategies toward China
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edited by Jung-Ho Bae; Jae H. Ku Korea Institute for National Unification 2012 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China`s internal and external relations and lessons for Korea and Asia
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edited by Jung-Ho Bae and Jae H. Ku Korea Institute for National Unification 2013 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China`s rise, Russia`s fall : politics, economics and planning in the transition from stalinism
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edited by Peter Nolan Macmillan 1995 단행본 목차 정보 있음
China's Strategic Environment and External Relations in the Transition Period
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Jung-Ho Bae;Jin-Ha Kim 통일연구원 2014 단행본 url 정보 있음
China`s strategic environment and external relations in the transition period
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edited by Jung-ho Bea ... [et al.] Korea Institute for National Unification 2014 단행본 목차 정보 있음
CIA 블랙박스 : 모든 사건의 뒤에는 그들이 있다
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김재천 지음 플래닛미디어 2011 단행본
CIA 심리학 : 고정관념과 인식의 오류를 극복하는 방법
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리처즈 휴어 주니어 지음;양병찬 옮김 생각의힘 2019 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Cold Peace : Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953
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edited by Yoram Gorlizki;Oleg Khlevniuk Oxford University Press 2004 단행본
Colossus : the price of America`s empire
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edited by Niall Ferguson Penguin Press 2004 단행본 목차 정보 있음
Conquering peace : from the Enlightenment to the European Union
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by Stella Ghervas Harbard 2021 단행본