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EXHIBITION:Exhibition showcases country''s IT development
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
EXHIBITION:Exhibition features a range of inventions
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
EXHIBITION:Crowd-pulling event attests to booming footwear indeustry
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
EXHIBITION:Costume show exhibits dress-making level
By Jong Sun Bok PT 기사
EXHIBITION:Commodity show draws more chic home-made products
By Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
EXHIBITION:Candy sculpture show lures many visitors
By Jong Sun Bok PT 기사
Exhaust Gas Oxygen Analyser Developed
EXERCISE : Warm-ups for basketball and wrestling produced
Jong Tang Song PT 기사
""Exemplary Battle""
EXEMPLAR : First pioneeer workrean in Mallima era
Jong Hwa Sun PT 기사
EXCHANGE: Foodstuff experts meet to share knowledge
Compiled from KCNA 기사
Ever-victorious General Choe Yong
EVENT:World Water Day marked
By Song Jong Ho PT 기사
EVENT:World days highlight TB control, weather service, safe water - ''Sun, Earth and Weather''
By Kwon Hyo Song PT 기사
EVENT:World Breastfeeding Week marked
By Ri Sung Ik PT 기사
Event: World Blood Donor Day marked
Ri Myong Hyok PT 기사
EVENT : Women's football day marked
Compiled from KCNA 기사
EVENT:UNESCO workshop focuses on ICH protection
By Choe Yong Nam PT 기사
EVENTS : World days marked
Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
EVENTS:WFP calls for investment in food security
By Kim Rye Yong PT 기사
EVENTS : In brief
Event reviews IMGC''s 20-year course/ Martial arts demonstration takes place/ Founding president honoured
By Jong Tang Song PT 기사
EVENT : Raising awareness of childcare needs called for
Han Ryo Gyong PT 기사
Event of 70 Years Ago
EVENT:National Foundation Day marked
Compiled from KCNA 기사
EVENT:Midwives called on to enhance role
By Pang Un Ju PT 기사
EVENT:Kimjongilia Festival to open
Compiled from KCNA 기사
EVENT:Fun run for 18th Asian Games held
Compiled from KCNA 기사
EVENT:Elders celebrate Day of Older Persons
By Yun Kyong Il PT 기사
EVENT:Disabled persons stage a performance in Hamhung
Compiled from KCNA 기사